Sunday, April 26, 2015

ⓢⓟⓡⓘⓝⓖ ⓢⓞⓒⓒⓔⓡ

Reece's spring season has begun. He has a new coach and a new team...they are still trying to figure it all out. But I think he's starting to learn true positions, which will be important next season when he jumps to the next level. Go #9!! Go Orange Crush!!

Saturday, April 25, 2015

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Easter was just too beautiful to stay inside. We headed to Hanging Lake to start off our hiking season. I'm pretty sure we were on the Easter Bunny's trail...we were led by an assortment of Easter candy. The candy seemed to disappear on our way back down...I guess the little kiddos on the trail enjoyed the surprise treat. 

This has been our only hike of the season. Mother Nature finally gave us some much needed moisture in the last few weeks, which unfortunately came with cooler temps. Either way, I'm glad to get the precipitation. 

Saturday, April 4, 2015

ѕpríng вrєαk fun

We got to spend a couple days with my brother and his wife's family in Copper. Reece could not handle his excitement...he was ready to see his cousins! Here are several pictures from our weekend. (Photo credit to Kait's sister, Allison, for sharing her pictures with me.)
My nephew, Luke, showing off his Patagonia gear... the weather was nice and temps were good, but there was just enough of a cool breeze that made it worth bundling up for.

"Critterland"...the place that we paid money for this kid to only enjoy the tiny slide. :)

"Wait for me!"
Like a green Michelin Man! 

Luke didn't always know what to think of Aunt Jacque...

But doggies make his happy!

Thanks to Steve and Mindy (Kait's parents) for letting us hang out with their family  on their Colorado get away.

And for feeding these growing monsters food in between runs.

My brother, Shawn...Kait's sister, Allison...and Miss Camryn!

Riley and Reece...what a view!

Riley...the boys were very excited to try out a new mountain.

Cousins... Riley, Colby and Reece.

More Riley....

Nice shot of Shawn. 2!
Riley, Reece, Colby and Camryn.

Uh oh....someone told Lucas "NO."
He didn't like only lasted 20 seconds, so don't worry!

Reece's fabulous helmet hair.

Just before we headed out, Mindy was kind enough to pay for the kids to go on the sledding hill for the last hour. They found it to be pretty "EPIC." Perfect ending to a fun filled two days!

These four were tired, but tubing didn't take too much energy. 

Camryn, Colby, Riley and Reece.


We've had a couple big/exciting moments in the last few weeks...

First, Reece is FINALLY tall enough to ride the Alpine Coaster at the Adventure Park all by himself. In this picture he is a little nervous, but excited all at the same time. It's pretty exciting!! 

Hello, Glenwood Springs!!

Next up.... Riley (my picky eater) had his first sushi. He really liked it! He has really come around with food...he doesn't go out of his way to try new foods, but he is more open to foods that are offered to him and he always eats what is given to him, whether he wants to or not. This makes meal time much easier than it use to be.