Friday, November 9, 2012

Harry Potter & the Half Blood Prince

We finished the 6th HP book...possibly in record time. Since our lives are so busy these days, I allowed Riley to watch the movie before he wrote his "review." Honestly, things are getting so intense, I couldn't wait to see it either, so we could get going on the final book!! We started reading almost 2 years ago, so we are feeling pretty excited about making it this far. Here is Riley's summary...
Bellatrix and Narcissa ask Snape if he can help Draco Malfoy. Snape makes the unbreakable vow to help Malfoy. Harry is waiting for Dumbledore to come to the Dursley's then Dumbledore takes Harry to an old friend, Slughorn, to see if he will come back to teach at Hogwarts. Then Harry goes to the Burrow. Harry, Ron, and Hermoine go back to Hogwarts. Slughorn gets Potions and Snape got Defense Against The Dark Arts. Harry got to be in Potions but didn't have a book for Potions. Slughorn let him have a book from the cabinet and later discovered that it belonged to The Half Blood Prince. Dumbledore shows Harry a memory that is messed up. Dumbledore wants Harry to get the true memory from Slughorn. Harry gets the memory by using Felix Felicis that he got earlier, which is a lucky potion. Dumbledore shows the true memory and brings Harry with him to find a Horcrux. After they find the Horcrux, Snape kills Dumbledore. Harry fights with Snape and figures out Snape is the Half Blood Prince.....This leads us to the final book!

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