Sunday, October 19, 2014

Surprise Visitors

Social media can be fun... I've stayed in touch with Riley's first grade teacher over the years (mostly through blogging). She is the teacher I compared all teachers to in the elementary years, and she just happens to love Colorado. Mrs. Simmons is great!! 
Yesterday, I posted a picture of Reece and I, after his final game and she left a comment that only someone from or someone that has visited Glenwood Springs would know... It had to do with "famous root beer"... At that point I knew they finally made it west enough to check out where we live. We just happened to be hungry, so we got to catch up with them at the Brewpub for lunch. (You never have to twist our arms to eat there :) They became official tourists. They rode the Giant Canyon Swing, went through the Vapor Caves, ate at the Brewpub, and hiked Hanging Lake. What a day...thanks for letting me know you were here, Erica. It's so nice having people come through the valley, even for a day. Come back soon!

1 comment:

Erica said...

What a fun lunch!! It was so good catching up! Riley has gotten so big. You guys are such a cute family!!