Sunday, March 1, 2015

ítѕ α wrαp

Sadly Reece's basketball season came to the end. They lost in the first round of the tournament this week. The one thing he said when we were on our way home after the last game was, "I'm sad it's over." All I could say was that I was sad too. Till next year...
Here is a picture after he stole the ball and he actually made a jump shot camera fingers were too slow to get a picture of him shooting. 
Back row, left to right: Ryan, Reece, Noah, Cole, Andy, Gus, coach Heisel
Front row: Sebastian, Ryu, Zander, and Brady.
And a goofy picture...I only caught the end, I didn't know this was coming and this was the only shot I got. Thanks for a fun season boys!

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