Tuesday, June 2, 2015


4th grade gets to go camping in Mesa Verde for their big field trip. What's so cool about this trip is you pay a flat fee of $85 and it pays for your entire family...if they are able to go. I decided I needed to save my PTO and Riley had missed enough school, so we opted out. But I'm so glad Jake had enough vacation time to accompany Reece. Although it was pure mayhem at times with so many kids, Jake really enjoyed it and is planning on taking us back as a family at some point. Colorado is so cool!
It's Reece's turn to go camping. 
6 am is just too early for pictures.
Poor dad...he had to straighten out some drama with the night crew and got to bed super late...I guess a picture was a lot to ask for.
Reece rode the bus with the rest of the kids. They stopped in Moab for lunch.

I gave Reece his own camera, so most of these are taken by him.

More Moab.

One of the many arches of Utah.

The boys' perfect 2 man tent... we were told the smaller the tent the warmer it stays. Believe me, they got cold at night. 

Luke. AKA, Reece's BFF

Riley was gone for a week and only came home with 40 pictures. Reece was gone for 2 days and came home with 100...and many of those were "selfies."

WOW! I should have googled what Mesa Verde had to offer...I may have joined the fun.

The pit where ceremonies took place.

Yep! They climbed that ladder...looks scary, but apparently everyone made it up!

Hi Luke!

Reece, Luke and Kyle. The brother that loves to tag along.

Double rainbow! 

Reece and Ryu enjoying the burrito bar for dinner.

Ryu, Reece and Zander...soccer buds who love their s'mores.

(Kind of blurry, but a little blurb on Mesa Verde)

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