Sunday, October 18, 2015

suᏢᎬᏒ mööᏁ

So I uploaded this picture over a week ago...and got busy. Story of my life right now.

Jake and I did another moonlight hike, but this was no ordinary moonlight hike. It was the super moon, a blood moon and lunar eclipse. It was incredible... my legs hadn't quite recovered from my 14er, but I made it and we enjoyed every phase. This is about as good as my phone camera could get... we hiked up Sunlight Ski Resort and the colors were beautiful. Next time we are up there it will be all white and covered in snow. But it feels like it won't be anytime soon because our fall has felt a lot like summer... temperatures in the 80s. Definitely not what we are used to in October, but until Reece is done with soccer, I will not complain.

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