Saturday, June 11, 2016

dəvιl'ѕ crəəĸ canyon тraιl

First real hike of the season is a wrap. We headed to Fruita, CO where summer seems to have fully set in. It went from cold and rainy to dry and hot around here...hoping it's not the trend of the summer. This hike was a scorcher, but we survived. At any time we found shade where all of us could fit, we were sure to stop. It felt 20 degrees cooler in the shade.

This is when wearing nothing but black can backfire. I think Riley was the most uncomfortable in his wardrobe of choice. Teens...

So excited to start hiking again!

Reece likes pictures of himself.

This formation in the side of the canyon was mind boggling!!

I'd never seen a cactus flower


Old mining cabin! Inside was a book we could write in to say we made it...but no pen. Seriously, I've never hiked with a pen! 

Riley and I leading the pack... the sun is literally glaring off my hat!

Funny huge rock we passed by... looked like a one eyed monster to me!

 More shade!

Love my Family!

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