Sunday, August 14, 2016

möuᏁᏆ söᏢᏒᎥs

Oh. My. Goodness.
We hiked Mount Sopris.
This is the major peak near Glenwood Springs that I have loved since the day we moved here. It's so majestic. It's stands just short of 13,000's called a "twelve-teener" since it's so close and it's actually tougher than a few 14ers out there. Mt. Sopris looks totally different up close than it does from afar. It literally looks like a wasteland for rocks. And it's these loose rocks that you hike up with a very unclear path. Just a big pile of rubble.
I think we left the house at 5am to start our hike by's a long drive, only because the road that gets you to the trailhead is narrow and very rough terrain.

About as awake as we could be. Here we go!

Thomas Lake-we've hiked here several times. It's about halfway up...such a gorgeous lake.

This kid is born for hiking. Seriously, he's never been my super active child, but put a mountain in front of him, he is determined to conquer him. He makes it look easy!

Reece was forced to go along with us... not a big hiking fan these days.

Near the top. Elk Mountain Range in the distance with snow.

This is snow on Sopris... I'm convinced it won't melt before winter comes with new snow.
This brings up our big goof of the day. It was going to be a hot 90 degree day with no chance of rain.
Well... when you get up this high, it's going to be cooler. Then the wind was outrageous, which only made it colder. We should have packed more layers. Mommy fail.

Looking down at one of the Thomas Lakes. Bea-U-Tiful!!!

We gave Reece the selfie stick... and my hair shows the wind struggles. It was real.

Back down to the lakes...

Defeated. Multiple factors...we technically summited Mt. Sopris. It has 2 peaks... but the wind and the cold made it pretty unbearable. You are on an unstable ridge of rocks the entire way up, but the gusts of wind felt like they could have swept you up and taken you for a ride. We made it to the first peak and took shelter while some crazy wind zipped past. Soon after we started down that peak to start ascending the final peak, but Reece was done. He was cold from the wind and the crocodile tears started. We were so close!! I think we only had about 300 feet to go up, but it was going to be a task. The conditions were very rough. So we went down. Jake was upset. It happens. Is it a hike we will attempt again? Probably not!! It was rough and I have no desire. I'm glad we tried, because I would have regretted living here and not trying. It's Mt. Sopris, after all. But one time is enough for this one. 

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