Saturday, December 31, 2016

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Check out my most "liked" pictures of 2016!
Poor Riley got cropped out of a couple...sad. :(
2016 threw some obstacles our way, but we have so much to be grateful for! We're really catching on to this living and loving every day of our life thing! Yay us!

Riley has pushed himself in basketball. It did not go unnoticed by the varsity coach. After  being one of the only C Team players to make it to every single "voluntary" practice over break, he was gifted these brand new Stephen Curry shoes. Pretty sweet! He's just so awesome and I'm so proud!

Reece is starting his basketball season too... he's only had a few practices. Once January rolls around we are going to be crazy busy with games. I think I'm going to love it, but the next couple months will be flying by! 

So you may have caught on to this blog title...I'm debating on hanging up my blogging shoes. I can't guarantee I will not hop back on, but let's face it...I'm not doing so well at keeping up.

The embarrassing truth is, as technology evolves, I get stressed out figuring out what's changed since the last time I blogged and why transferring my pictures seem to be getting more and more difficult. Blogging has literally become a stressful job! Let face it--I've got 99 problems, and technology is about 90 of them!! That, and as the boys get older, my time seems to get more limited by the day. So...this may be my last post or maybe my last post just for a long while. (It's sad just typing these words.) We will see how things playout. Have a blessed 2017 friends!!

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