Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Desert Habitat

In one week we will be off to Arizona. We are excited to be able to attend Grandpa McMillan and Sally's wedding. Riley and Reece are counting down the days too. Jake made the mistake of telling the boys we were flying to Arizona way back in August, when we booked the flights. All we've heard since is, "I can't wait until it is October!" Or, "October is my favorite month!" I am not quite sure if they are more excited to fly on a plane or actually go to Arizona. At school, Riley is learning about habitats. They were discussing the southwest and specifically, Arizona. His teacher told them it was a "desert habitat." Then Riley held up his hand and excitedly told his class that he gets to fly to Arizona soon. She said it was so cute and he was so proud of it. It is amazing how much he has come along at school. In preschool, he participated in class, but usually when asked. Now, just two years later, he is so anxious to participate and share with his classmates and teacher. We can't wait to see our family and friends real soon!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Thats so cute! I love "October is my favorite month!" Funny!
I can't wait to see you all next week. Im really excited! Ive been showing Landon pictures of the boys and telling them we get to go play with them in a week, and he told me to get my keys because we are going TODAY! Hes excited too. IM glad you have a blog. I love reading it. Keep up the good work!!!!