Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Freaky Weather

Usually, in February, a picture that looks like this......
...and this....
...may seem pretty typical here in Kansas. Well, these pictures are not showing a snowy day. This is HAIL!
Seriously! Yesterday, after we got home from school, we had a thunderstorm with more hail than rain! It was crazy..... we might expect this closer to spring, but this is not typical winter weather.
When I took the above pictures, I had noticed how little action the camera has seen lately. Here is what I found....
The boys making their Valentines.
And the YUMMY Chicken Enchilada Pasta Jake made me!
Just looking at it makes me hungry!!
And that sums up the action on my camera.... sad, I know!!
Which technically sums up our last week. As Reece would say, LAME!


Shenna said...

Wow that's a lot of hail!!

Tommi said...

ha ha...not lame! some weeks i would kill for dinner, crafts and that's about it!