Thursday, February 16, 2012

Look Who's 30!!

It's me..... I turned the big 3-0 yesterday. It was a wonderfully, calm day! For years I just envisioned this being a tough number to swallow, and it seems not that long ago, I found peace with it and I truly feel this will be a wonderful year!

For an hour I tried uploading my "gift" from the boys.... they made a personalized video for me. Wishing me happy birthday and promising me they will be extra good on my special day. Which mostly meant no fighting.... little do they know that in my eyes they are the best boys ever! Every day! I think the video was just too long to upload, but it was pretty funny and cute all at the same time!

Unfortunately, Jake had to work late on my day, but he did his best to make last weekend all about me! Cooked for me, took me shopping, what else does a woman need?!!? He really spoiled me, like he always does!

So the pain of growing older is not noticeable... In fact, I'm feeling so blessed to be healthy and happy. It's something so many take advantage of. And each day I see it more and more. Here's to a wonderful year, and hopefully 30 more!


jody-of-all-trades said...

Happy Birthday Sis! This makes me feel old!!! Love you and I'm sure this will be a great year!

Erica said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Sounds like you had a really nice one!!

Tommi said...

Here's to you! Enjoy 30 because it doesn't really hit you until 36...ha ha!

Leesa said...

I'm glad you had a good birthday! And you are right - your boys are the best ever. :) I can't imagine them fighting.