Sunday, July 22, 2012

Zoo Day With G & G

Grandma and Grandpa came to see us from Arizona. Even though we are having the hottest temperatures of the year, we braved the Sedgwick County Zoo on Saturday. I took a ton of pictures, as I'm drawn to colorful birds and monkeys are very entertaining! So beware.... the smart birds were just hanging out by the door that the staff must come in and out. Guess they are hungry or want out!
A baby Orangutan was the center of attention. Too cute and so active! I could totally picture Reece living with the monkeys. Such a show off!
We caught a lot of the animals napping in the shade.
Not sure why, but feeding fish is fun! Watching them flop and fight for food is a riot!
Riley and Grandpa taking a photo from the waterfall in the jungle.
My handsome boys.
This bear was trying to nap in the water, but his exercise ball wasn't cooperating!
Reece looks like he has something important to tell us....
Showing off for us!
There was also a baby chimp. He was just as active and fun to watch. Four adult chimps were lying around trying to nap, while this one just couldn't sit still. The adult in the background made me laugh. He looks like he is doing some sort of yoga and meditation.
After five hours of the zoo, Grandpa treated us to some Braums. Rocky Road for Reece.
The Giraffe was very close to the gate, which was fun. 
Grandma and Grandpa with the boys..... before we got all hot and sweaty at the zoo.
This gorilla was in deep thought with his ball. It made me think of that sculpture of  "The Thinker?"

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