Monday, July 30, 2012

British Challenger Soccer Camp

Reece got to attend a fun camp last week. I have mixed emotions about this camp. It was 3 hours every night.... If you live in KS you know the heat warnings we've been in for the past 3 weeks or more. It was also a little pricy, so when I send my kid to an expensive camp, I hope my kid learns and gains a skill or 2 when the week is over. The most I feel Reece picked up, was how to celebrate after a goal. Reece is excellent at pumping his arms, twisting and doing cartwheels in celebration. Reece was probably the least experienced at this camp, this is because he just began playing this sport, and I don't feel he is even slightly better at soccer than he was a week ago.

Reece wasn't super thrilled about going to a 3 hour camp. He convinced himself he would get bored. Well, after day 1, he was. But, each day got better and by the end of the week he wanted to do the camp all over again. When asked what he did at camp (because lets face it, it was too long and hot for us to stick around) he said they did a few drills, played games, then scrimmaged. I think games and scrimmaging were the key priorities, therefore I don't think a lot of learning took place. It seemed like the other kids knew the sport well enough, but Reece is still learning the very basics, and I just think we wasted time and money on this one. The best I can say is Reece had fun.

The camp was hosted by 3 Scottish soccer players. They were entertaining. They were actually very comical. You'll see pictures from the first day, Wacky Wednesday (Reece had his wacky hair), Team Brazil pride... Reece got points for making his coaches bracelets.... And as a reward the McPherson Fire Department dumped thousands of gallons of water the kiddos. That was cool! And lastly, our dry spell ended while the camp was here..... It had been well over a month since Mac had seen rain, and Wednesday camp was cut off 30 minutes early due to lightning.... Followed by an entire night of rain. We are still incredibly dry but the rain was a wonderful surprise!! I'm sure the only reason the rain came was due to the soccer camp, so I've got to be thankful for that. ;)

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