Friday, August 3, 2012

Rat Sitting

Yep! You read that right. I'm the coolest Aunt ever. I allowed my boys to watch a couple of rats while my nephew and his family took off for a 2 week vacation.
I actually do have rat experience(we had one as a kid....not approved by my mom) and my nephew only trusted my boys with his Yoshi and Cheddar, so how could I refuse?!
It was kind of like test driving a pet.... I'm glad I got to see my kids handle the rats, without having to commit. Overall, the boys loved it!! I could tell the novelty of having the pets wore off quickly, as I found myself reminding them to feed or play with them. Oh well, they will gladly take on the responsibility again as needed. Thanks, Aidan!
Here are the boys saying farewell to them!


Erica said...

Those are some big rats! You are one brave lady!!

Leesa said...

We rat-sat for my uncle when we were kids and ended up loving the rat so much my brother got one for his birthday. Rats have a bad reputation, but they are really so sweet! :)

Shenna said...

Eek...I don't know if I could have done that. You're brave!!

Tommi said...

You are NOT to mention this to Tyler!! :)