Sunday, September 9, 2012

2nd Grade Pressures

Friday morning, in the chaos of all four of us getting around to get school and work, Jake and  I were teasing Reece about something (which slipped my mind what that something was...) and I joked to Jake to not stress Reece out before he has to go to school and think all day. Well, this caused Reece to confess about the stress he feels at school.

Reece: I do get stressed out at school. (In a very serious voice.)
Me: You do? Why?
Reece: Because at recess people are always calling "REDO" during 4 square, and it makes me stay in line the entire time!

For anyone who knows Reece well, he takes 2 things very seriously.... dessert and 4 square. I can hear in my head his little voice saying, "Oh, come on!" every time someone calls "REDO!"

I could only wish this was the only stress I felt while at work. The pressure of 2nd grade sounds pretty rough... ;)

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