Wednesday, October 10, 2012

2012 Soccer Finale

Tonight was the official end of soccer for 2012.... Hallelujah! As much as I enjoyed it, my life needs to slow down just a bit, and eliminating soccer 3 times a week, should do just that!
Reece had a  great first season. Scored many goals, mostly motivated by milk shakes... the hard part will be breaking this expectation of milk shakes Reece will hang on to for life!
Reece looking to get a pass from #5.
A team photo. Strikers U8 Boys, 2012. Reece is in white, middle back, with the sun in his eyes.
After practice they got to be recognized at the half of the high school varsity soccer game. Reece is 2nd to last here.
Their final soccer practice, the coach scheduled a boys vs dads game. It was just a constant, fun scrimmage practice. Sadly, Jake was working and missed it. Here is Reece looking to score against a dad..... he got 4 goals this night. Of course, I'd say Reece was a "cherry picker" of soccer all practice. Oh well, it got results! Haha!

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