Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Kansas Day

For the 3rd straight year, I signed up to provide Kansas Day treats for the boy's classes....and when I say I signed up, I mean I signed my sister up for the work! I wanted to change things up.... we've done the state of Kansas and a sunflower cookie the past 2 years, which my sister has never enjoyed the way her sunflower turned out, so I tried something new. Riley, who wanted cookies, got the state and a honeybee (the state insect). Reece got sunflower cupcakes.... from Pinterest.
The instructions happen to be in Spanish, but the pictures are enough to get you through it.... if you are talented enough to handle a pastry bag properly. The original plan involved Joanna making the cupcakes, but she decided to make it a teaching moment. Let's just say, I've hung up my cupcake making career after this task. I had actually NEVER made cupcakes before.... EVER! I always found it easier dumping the entire cake batter in the cake pan to bake. Well, since not convincing Joanna to make the cupcakes for me was my first FAIL, only getting 21 cupcakes, instead of a whole 2 dozen, was my second FAIL.... and it all went down hill from there. Thankfully, I was presenting these cupcakes to a bunch of 2nd graders and not Martha Stewart.

All of the Kansas Day treats.... the Jayhawk was for Riley's teacher, who was born and raised in Lawrence. I forgot to order it without the KU, since it's the Kansas University Day, but I'm sure she didn't mind.... Yes! The Jayhawk is a Kansas Symbol. Those of us awesome people, lucky enough to be born in Kansas, are Jayhawkers.

My best cupcake! Don't let the camera angle fool you.... it really didn't look this good any other way.

Me being silly.... what I wanted, and what I got.
Picture stolen from website.

These are out of order.... after all 2 hours and 10 mins of making petals. It was 3 layers.... this last layer only took me 20 minutes.

After my 2nd layer.... took 50 minutes to do.

My first layer took me a whopping 1 hour to complete... I had to take a break and drive to pick up the cookies from my sister.

"Oreos" to start.... the fake kind.

My first ever baked cupcakes.... they don't look so good. :(

What I envisioned.... never again! Joanna will never talk me into this again!

This is what makes me sick.... look at Joanna's very first attempt and my very first attempt!! Why I decided I could handle this I don't know... but it's over and hopefully Reece knows how much I LOVE HIM! 

1 comment:

Tommi said...

WOW! Cookies are awesome as usual and cupcakes are amazing. Don't sell yourself short, they look really really good! Making me hungry at 7:30 in the morning!