Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Birthday Bash

We had our first Birthday Bash last Saturday. 
We made it a bowling party to celebrate Colby, Camryn, Cole, Brendon and Sydney... the last 3 live in Utah, so we send them gifts and leave it up to my sister to entertain them.

Hannah, Jack, Alex, Riley and Will ready to get this party started.

Camryn, Aidan and Colby.
Strike a pose, Aidan!

Britton and Ariana!

Owen was too cute! He wasn't quite sure what to think of bowling, and he started from a couple yards back to begin with. It didn't take him too long to get brave enough get closer to the line. He even got one strike! Go, Owen!

A proud kiddo!

Ugh... my glowing eyes made an appearance. Just my boys and I.

Uncle Phil, Aunt Leah and Ariana... I believe Britton did something to get these reactions...

Will and Alex waiting patiently.

This is just a funny story.
Earlier in the day, Reece had a soccer game. One of the other moms commented on how Reece has a bounce in his step/run.... I agreed. It's Reece, my ball of energy. She then referred to him as Tigger.  That night, Tigger and Eeyore showed up to the bowling alley. I embarrassed Reece so badly, by making him pose with Tigger, but it was just too coincidental to not document.
Tigger #1 and Tigger #2.

Owen and Alex... the two "babies" of the family.
Until August...

All 12 grandkids.

And the birthday kiddos... Colby and Camryn.
They are brother and sister, and this picture makes me laugh, because it looks like Colby is  torturing Camryn. Don't worry, they played nice!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's so neat that you guys are able to celebrate all the birthdays like this! Now that Linsey is increasing our little pack by a few, your family's way of doing birthdays looks a lot easier than individual stuff. :)