Friday, April 26, 2013

Persuasive Writing & More...

Reece has brought home a few letters from school recently... here are my favorite two.

Dear mom,
I want an extra hour of staying up. Because I would help you at night. And get more time for homework. So please make me stay up longer than I'm suposed to stay up.
from Reece
(I'm amazed at just one misspelling here.)

Dear mom and dad,
I realy want a hamster or rat. I will take responce for it. So can I? please! Like everyone has a pet they are fun!
from Reece
(Like, everyone.... seriously everyone has a pet;)

A picture of Reece break dancing at 8am.... it's really no fair to see so much energy in one tiny human. Wish I had a fraction of it....

My silly boys.

Riley... looking awfully grown up!

Overall, life has been pretty uneventful. Reece is almost done with soccer, and as far as we can tell, he is still enjoying it. 
We had more ice/snow this past Monday...LAME! But, I truly believe we've turned that corner and we will hopefully have an amazing month of May! 
Speaking of MAY...we officially have 17.5 days of school until SUMMER break! Yay! It's the time of year things at school/work get so crazy and busy, yet time slows down just enough to make this the longest 17.5 days ever! 

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