Sunday, October 6, 2013


Just when I thought weather couldn't be any crazier and somewhat bi-polar than Kansas weather... we move to Colorado, where we seem to have every type of climate all rolled into one day. I'm still learning my "layering" technique. I struggle on what to send my kids to school in... 
Snow came on the first day of fall... thankfully, we live in the canyon and it was still too warm to snow, but our lovely Sopris (the mountain we hiked to the day before) was looking beautiful and white!

With winter looming... and me just so unsure of what winter would bring, we got an AWD vehicle. It's a Ford Edge and so far I'm in love with AWD... can't describe it, but it feels powerful and I have this peace of mind driving it. 

Fall brought this "throwback" picture of Riley... 11 years ago. 

And my goofball, Reece, trying on his mask for this Halloween...  (He is going to be a zombie...)

Lastly, fall means COLLEGE basketball is right around the corner... and here is a classic picture of Mr. Bill Self, acting as Will Ferrell in "Anchorman." It was a classic "Late Night in the Phog" and I'm so incredibly excited for this season. After all... living in Colorado, I may need basketball season to keep me warm this long winter ahead!
Happy Fall!

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