Sunday, September 22, 2013

Thomas Lakes

The boys were very jealous that I had gone to touch Mt. Sopris without them. So, on Saturday, after Reece's soccer game, we went for another hike. It was long and even slightly painful hike... it seemed rougher my second time around... but oh, so worth it! They were so proud of themselves for surviving this tough hike, and actually saying they touched the base of Sopris.

Getting closer...

Here are some changing aspen.... just one bunch. I've learned that aspen can spawn from other aspen roots. They can even lay dormant for a while before they spawn. They are the perfect tree when a fire hits, because they will be the first vegetation to grow. If a patch of aspen is changing colors they are all "related" or share the same roots.

This just doesn't look like it belongs in the mountains!! Love the clear blue water!

Victory!! If only we had the time and equipment for another 4 mile hike to summit Mt. Sopris.

My proud son... finally meeting Sopris!

Reece is much more excited than he leaves you to believe... he just doesn't like to smile with his teeth. 
It was a good day for the boys... but it was even better to get back down after 10 miles of hiking! 
I must share that Reece did score his first Colorado goal yesterday. Sadly, I was a line judge and couldn't cheer or take pictures. What are the chances??? It was a great day, anyway!
The boys and I talked about how great it is that we get more family time out here. Jake has a better job with better hours... more family friendly hours... and it just allows us to be together as a family and make more memories. It's truly been great! We greatly miss our extended family, but this move has been a positive move for us in our family of four!

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