Sunday, September 22, 2013

Day In Aspen

More like a stormy day in Aspen. Jake and I get every other Wednesday off together...just another perk to our new jobs out here in CO. It couldn't have worked out better. I wanted to show him the Maroon Bells in Aspen...Our plans were to do the Crater Lake Trail, but the weather turned on us, and we didn't feel truly prepared for a rainy hike. We saw freezing rain and very hot sun all in a couple hours... but it was still incredibly beautiful!

The sun slowly trying to come out...

I see blue sky! Gorgeous!

I was sad the aspen trees were still so green... it's been a very wet summer, so they might change late, which I hear can affect the tourism around here.

On our way down the mountain, I had to snap a pic of this cool, old church. I tried getting a closer shot, but someone was trailing us.
Can't wait for our next Wednesday off together!

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