Saturday, September 7, 2013


Well, one of the many stresses of moving far, far away, is no longer. I didn't know how tough finding a job out here was going to be, but at last an amazing job has fallen right into my lap. Between the boys starting school and me finally finding a job, life has been slightly uneventful.

I really had hopes of finding another job with the school district here... getting my foot in the door proved way more challenging than when I moved to McPherson. They do their hiring entirely differently here. Our friends, Mark and Michelle Scruton, just happen to have connections everywhere. When I finally realized a school position just wasn't going to happen, I asked Michelle about a friend of hers, who happens to own her own business, if there was any chance she was hiring. Turns out they had one position, and they were hiring that week. I wasted no time, emailed my resume in, and the next day I interviewed and was offered the job. Talk about timing!! I feel super blessed. I now work for a company that assists doctors in medical billing and collecting. I'm paid almost double what I made as a para, and I will only be part time. I will work three full days a week, and still have time to explore Colorado. More than likely, I will be hiking with Michelle. Just when I thought my job couldn't get any better, I find out I get a paid lunch (thanks to all of those smokers that slip away to feed that gross habit) and once a week a masseuse is brought in to give each of us an upper body massage. At first I just thought it was a spoiled treat, but after sitting down in a chair, at a computer for my first three days, I absolutely can't wait for my first massage. It will take some getting used to. I will also get every other Wednesday off with Jake. A day of just Jake and I. Now, I didn't just walk into a cushy job... there's a LOT of learning ahead of me. My boss says give it at least a month before I start getting more comfortable and things start to click. Thankfully, I know there is a learning curve and patience will be given. I was very overwhelmed this first week, but I'm feeling confident a lightbulb will come on eventually. I'm not learning just one system, I'm learning two... then it's learning the lingo of the insurance world. I'll get there... and I'll be thankful every day for this opportunity.

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