Saturday, September 7, 2013

Thomas Lakes

I survived my first week of work, and had to get outside and exert some built up energy. So, Michelle and I went on another hiking excursion. This was my biggest hike yet. Nearly four miles up to Thomas Lakes. These are the lakes you hike up to before you summit the famous Mt. Sopris. Mt. Sopris has been that mountain that is so massive and looks like it's right there, but you can never get there. It seemed unreachable... sometimes I even considered it a fake looking backdrop of Glenwood Springs. It's usually in a haze... it's storms there a lot, while we get very little rain. Well, Michelle found a way there. The more adventurous people will campout at the Thomas Lakes, then climb Sopris the following day... I'll dream of that, but in the meantime, I will be satisfied that I touched the base of Mt. Sopris and it is no longer that unreachable landmark. I'm enjoying hiking so much, the views you get are always amazing and so worth it. Growing up in Kansas my entire life, I never knew I could enjoy the outdoors so much. I only enjoyed the pool there, and now I'm excited to get out and about here. I hope winter doesn't make me change my mind... I hear the canyon keeps most of the nasty weather away. Only time will tell...

Sitting at the base... so much rockier than I expected. (Excuse the windblown/sweaty hair... I'm going to be wearing a hat from now on to avoid this mess ;)

Touching the base of Mt. Sopris. So happy!!

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