Saturday, April 19, 2014


We've been a bit boring lately...but this will catch you up on the few things that have happened in the last month...
We didn't get to travel for spring break, but we broke down and bought annual passes to the adventure park. We've already gotten our money's worth. They opened the giant swing up just for spring break, and we can't get enough of it!

Here is a picture of our canyon we live in...I took it while standing in line for the giant swing.

Reece in the black, making contact with the camera.

Riley on the right... he loves it, but hangs on for dear life the entire time.

I cut my hair for the first time in 2.5 years (other than trimming it up.)

She took 4 inches off... and then she styled it herself. Not anything like I style it, so this is a bit crazy, but my curls are happy to have the extra weight off. I'm pleased with it on most days. It was hard going to a stranger because my sister has been the only one to touch my hair in years.

Reece warming up for his first game... the weather was near perfect for 830 in the morning. He played an older Basalt team and they lost by several points...I lost track... but Reece's team had 2 goals, and they just happened to be made by Reece! Woohoo! Things are really starting to click and he's showing so much improvement. He had one goal followed by a made Penalty Kick. I was one proud mama! Hope this keeps him going and keeps him excited about this sport!

Reece has a new coach this season and she's pretty enthusiastic and creative. Looking forward to more amazing weather and more growing for Reece.

That about sums it up... I've moved on to full time now at my job and we are still house shopping. It's been very stressful and mentally exhausting, but we will find the right house for us. It probably wouldn't be so hard if we weren't up against investors with cash who are getting into bidding wars and also driving up the prices of the homes around here. But the right one has got to be out there for us. Trying to stay positive. Wish us luck!

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