Sunday, August 17, 2014

Blizzard Boy

Reece is my adventurous boy... And that doesn't stop when it comes to ice cream. He loves a good Dairy Queen Blizzard. More specifically, the Blizzard of the Month (BOTM). It doesn't matter what it is... that's the Blizzard he will choose.

One night he was really in the mood for an Orange Julius... so off to DQ we went. Although I called him out way before we left, that he would walk in and instead want the BOTM. Sure enough, two steps in the door his mind had changed. This mama knows her child.

You'd never believe it, but each and every BOTM is the BEST BOTM EVER!!

A couple of weeks ago, Reece caught me right when I got home from work and told me DQ has a new best BOTM and it's Chips Ahoy!
"I love Chips Ahoy!"
"Those cookies are my favorite!"

Well we aren't the parents that run out and get our children treats like this all the time... but a few days later Reece passed his multiplication on , so I caved and decided he deserved a treat.

You'd never guess what happened next...
Turns out there are some BOTM that aren't the best... and in Reece's opinion, Chips Ahoy is one of them.

Reece will defend his decision as, "Well, not EVERY BOTM can be the BEST."

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