Sunday, August 17, 2014

Maroon Bells

Last weekend we took the boys up to the Maroon Bells in Aspen. The weather was amazing, and views even more so. I had been there a couple of times, once with Jake, so it was time for the boys to experience the beauty of it.





You take a bus ride up to the Bells, then you can just take an easy stroll around Maroon Lake, or take an actual hike or two. I'd never done one of the hikes, so we did one up to Crater Lake. It reminded me so much of hiking to the base of Mt. Sopris, very rocky. This picture shows the rocks piled looked like a landfill, only for rocks.

 We made it! Crater Lake


We hung out a bit, Jake tried to spot some such luck. The Maroon Bells have had a very large group of Moose in recent weeks. Moose don't like us humans too much, so they have actually closed down certain areas because of the humans that can't keep their distance from the wildlife. Some people ruin it for the rest of us. So glad it was open on this day.

We didn't stay too long at Crater Lake...there were lots of mosquitos up there. And I was NOT prepared for that... just a little side note: I have not had one single bug bite since living here, I'm almost convinced Colorado mosquitos don't have a taste for my blood...unlike Kansas mosquitos. No complaints here! ;)

Oh, how I LOVE Aspens! We have a couple in our back yard and can not wait until fall!

A rare selfie!! It took several shots to get both our faces and the Bell in the shot!

Just because....

We wore this poor kid out... or he is just a "tween." Too cool for school!

I love nature!

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