Monday, September 1, 2014

4th & 7th

Wowza! Where did time go? Where did summer break go? How are my babies getting so big, so fast?
Ready or not... here goes our newest school year. Reece has Mr. Malone. Riley has several teachers as a big, bad 7th grader. The coolest part is he is in an advanced Math class. The most exciting part is Mr. Scott, his Math teacher from last year, told me he tested in the top 10 in his class in last year's TCap, and he is on schedule to skip 9th grade Math. Not to put too much pressure on him, but woohoo!! And if it doesn't actually happen, that's okay too. Riley does have one complaint. His Math is first thing in the pre-teen likes his sleep, and doesn't feel like his brain is quite awake first thing in the morning. Here's to a great year!

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