Thursday, September 18, 2014

Sick, sick, and MORE SICK!

The bug(s) have hit our house...and not even Lynx was spared!

It started with Reece. Just nine days into the school year, he came home with a fever. That's the only symptom he had (if I don't count his traveling pains...head, back, heart, legs etc.), but it lasted for 3 days.

Then it was Riley's turn. His started in Silverthorne with congestion and complaining about being cold... it turned into a fever, missing one day of school, and more head junk. Yuck!

The same day, Lynx started sneezing... I had suspected he was congested for a while, but it started to get worse... and fast. He eventually started coughing too.

The boys healed on their own...with a little help from IBU an Tylenol, but poor Lynx (and poor Jake's wallet) needed a trip to the vet, which is a new experience for us. (FYI: Potential vet bills have always been my reason to not have pets.) She had a fever and of course the obvious congestion had caused her to become dehydrated and she wasn't eating very well. They put an IV in her and gave her meds for us to feed her (which is a chore in itself) twice a day. Within 24 hours she was a brand new kitten. It was like night and day. She still is sneezing a little, but she is playful and fun, with a little ornery mixed in. Before she was sleeping all the time and almost lethargic...

Finally, beside from a small cough from Riley and the occasional sneeze from Lynx, I think the "sick" is gone. *knock on wood* But let's hope this isn't foreshadowing the kind of year that lies ahead.

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