Saturday, November 1, 2014

ÇöusᎥᏁs ᎥᏁ ÇösᏆumᎬs

Here are my some of my nieces and nephews all dressed up for Halloween. I had to steal some of them from Facebook. 
Owen the dragon. 
Aidan was Robin. He was passing out candy and this is the only picture he made it in... The others must be neighbor friends. 
Sami as a 50s girl. 
Sydney the Hobo. 
Alex as Captain America. Jack the zombie. Will as a gingerbread man. And Hannah the softball player. 
Luke the puppy. From what I hear he hated the costume, so it was off before the trick or treating began. 
Camryn is Thing 2...her friend was Thing 1. Colby is a Skelly...still haven't figured out what that is. And this is probably the final moments of Luke as a puppy. ;)

That's all I got! So fun seeing the variety of costumes. I love my nieces and nephews. 

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