Saturday, August 22, 2015

Zion: Reece's Story

I asked Reece to summarize his trip:

"Camping in Zion was great! We did many hikes in water and on sand. Also Shopped for ice 24/7. We were able to have a campfire every night and had S'mores. My favorite hikes were The Narrows and Angels Landing. I had a great time at Zion. And I went to swim in the river every single day."

And that sums up his trip! Typical 10 year old boy.
This bug must have fascinated Reece because the picture made the cut.

Reece really enjoyed the many deer that hung around the camp. They weren't scared of humans and would come close to them.

Major highlight of Reece's trip is this gemstone dad bought him. This is actually one of two. Just to put in into perspective, this is probable the size of my hand. The lady at the store was so excited about Reece's love of gems, she gave him a small discount.

Reece and his creatures... see the lizard?

The Watchman hike.

Super fat squirrel. Their neighbor campers got a fat fine because they didn't lock up their food...this squirrel has obviously had it's share of people food. 

Another lizard...

Blue Moon!

The Narrows hike.

The Narrows hike.

Road through Zion.

Reece's favorite place to be. If he wasn't hiking , eating or sleeping, he was swimming in the Virgin River.

Checking out the dangers of Angels Landing.

The cool switchbacks from above... 21 in all called "Walter's Wiggles" on the Angel's Landing hike.

Wild Turkey.

More deer...this kid obviously loves all living things.

The storm as they were heading home... They actually stopped for gas on the way and when lightning struck near by the power went out while Jake was filling up. Luckily no damage and it came back up right away.
There you have Reece's story. It's funny seeing his choice in pictures.
I decided to add this picture... it shows the size of Reece's new treasures. They are sitting on a bench. As you can tell, they are huge! Reece is in heaven. :)

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