Friday, November 27, 2015

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Would you believe me if I told you I had never watched any of the Star Wars movies??
I know what Star Wars is and I know many of the characters...I've just never sat down and watched the series. I even got Jake this super cool Blue Ray DVD set a few years ago...but it was a gift for him to enjoy.

Well, Jake has purchased advanced tickets for us to go see the new movie in Denver on the IMAX screen...guess after 33+ years, it's time to catch up. Being a mom of boys, I think it was bound to happen. So here we go...
I forgot I had this little story saved away....I forgot to blog about it, but it was funny. Again, it shows how much I don't know about Star Wars, and what being a mom of boys can be like. I think this is from last January or February.
  • I don't remember how this got brought up one morning, but Jake revealed he has dreamt about flying a Tie Fighter. I, having never seen Star Wars, had to ask what that was... Reece rolls his eyes in disapproval of me. My boys educated me on what a Tie Fighter (I may be spelling this wrong...again, not into Star Wars) and I had to give Jake grief that he was a grown man dreaming about such things....Reece interjected, "Mom, it's just what men do!" 

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