Sunday, September 18, 2016

moab: part 1

Our final summer adventure lead us to Utah. My sister, Jaime, flew in from Kansas City and my sister, Jill's, family all met us in Moab, UT. 
We left on a Thursday night and met up at a hotel in Moab.
On Friday we explored Dead Horse State Park followed by Canyonlands. 
I apologize. I tried to be choosy with my picture selection but we had so much fun exploring. And we don't get to get our families together often so I had to take advantage.

First stop: Dead Horse State Park
We successfully got 11 in our selfie!
Riley, Jake, Me, Jaime, Sami, Jill Sydney, Brian, Brendon, Cole and Reece in front! :)


#Twinning ;)

Don't show Grandpa Beggs this one! He's a tad bit scared of heights.


So "DEAD HORSE STATE PARK" is a slightly disturbing name for a park... turns out there is a twisted story about cowboys weeding out the week horses and fencing them in to die. This is what their fence was made out of. Crazy cruel. :(

Next stop: Canyonlands

Mesa Arch photo op... fantastic!

Silly Aunt Jaime.

Sisters!! NOT show Grandpa Beggs!

Cole, Riley, Sami, Brendon, Sydney, and Reece.

Brendon taking a selfie. 

Our last stop of the day was a picnic to watch the sunset. Haze had set in about mid afternoon. We are assuming it was from the California fires. I do think it brought out more colors for our view. I think we logged over 24,000 steps on day 1. We got back to the hotel after dark and tried to get as much rest as possible for day 2.

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