Saturday, December 6, 2008

Caramel-Chocolate Covered Pretzels

This is the second year the boys and I have enjoyed making some Holiday Goodies. They are so easy, fun and delicious! Last year we made so many, we shared with all of our neighbors. All you need is 1 pack of chocolate almond bark, 1 bag of pretzel rods, 2 packages of flat sheets of caramel wraps (usually 5 in a pack), wax paper and sprinkles are optional. I cut the caramel sheets in half and let the boys wrap them around a pretzel. When they are all done with that, I dip them in chocolate and let them do the sprinkles. I usually have extra chocolate and pretzels, so I make a few without caramel. They are so yummy and everyone loves them!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Ummm, YUM!!! I am totally going to make these. Then I will eat them all myself.