Monday, December 8, 2008


I can't believe my "baby" is 4 years old! We woke up this morning and opened up presents. I was right. He didn't want to stop there, and he asked if he could open up Riley's Christmas presents. So far, Reece got a couple of fun games for Riley and him to play, and Jake's favorite, "The Ultimate LightSaber Kit." I think Jake is trying to live vicariously through his kids. All he ever wanted was a lightsaber. The poor guy just had a twig with a glow stick on the end. Let's all take a moment and pity him. After presents, Reece decided he wanted a corndog for breakfast. Mmmm! Yummy! I guess a birthday boy can do that.
Reece is my "high energy" little charmer. He has been the more ornery child, but he knows when enough is enough, and that's when he flashes his charming smile and knows all is forgiven. I usually, love all the questions he asks. Riley never did this. Reece is my "WHY?" child. However, his questions never start with "WHY," they always start with "HOW?" Forget the "Who, What, When, Why & Where?" It is always "How?"
Oh, I love Reece! I love his personality, his smile, the way he acts shy, and his pretty blue eyes, and especially, how determined and persistent he is. This is a kid who was crawling at 6 months and walking at 9 months. He is so eager to keep up, and I don't think he will allow himself to fall behind. There is so much more, but this blog would never end. Ultimately, Reece is my sweet boy, who loves to push the limits, but is a wonderful son and brother. I couldn't imagine life without my "Reecy-poo." We love you so much! Happy Birthday!!!

Now, here is a recap of his 1st 3 years...

3 year

2 year

1 year

Your Birthdate: December 8
Watch out Donald Trump! You've got a head for business and money.You'll make it rich some day, even if you haven't figured out how yet.A supreme individualist, you shouldn't get stuck in a corporate job.Instead, make your own way - so that you can be the boss.
Your strength: Your undying determination
Your weakness: You require an opulent lifestyle
Your power color: Plum
Your power symbol: Dollar sign
Your power month: August

1 comment:

Shenna said...

You seriously have two of the cutest little boys ever! Four years old just seems so big! I'm having a hard time with Maddi heading into her 3rd birthday.