Sunday, December 21, 2008

just a quick update...

It's been almost 2 weeks, so I thought I would update everyone on what we've been up to. Amazingly, we are 4 days away from Christmas, and things are very calm around here. The weather is a different story. Today it is a miserable 8 degrees outside, with a -20 windchill. OUCH! That's cold. We've had a few snow storms, but no snow on the ground at the moment. Just the ugly piles of snow, that are all black and gross to look at, and won't melt until March.
Last Sunday we had Reece's birthday party. It was a fun time. My family was able to drive up from Wichita to attend. (Thanks Mom, Dad, Ben, Joanna and kids!!) We had pizza, cake and a ton of kids running around the house, playing. It's shocking we didn't have any injuries. I think we had 30+ come that day. Even, I, the one person who stresses about everything, didn't have a care that day. I just enjoyed the company and celebrating the fact, that I've survived with Reece for 4 whole years.
The countdown is on in our house. Riley is especially excited. This is the first year, he really is talking about Santa and Christmas all the time. He is learning songs at school. His favorite songs are "Jingle Bells," and "Santa Claus is Coming to Town." This is because he knows all the words to these songs. The other day he asked "How Santa knows if we are sleeping?" My response was "Magic?!" It seemed to be good enough. This year we are driving to Wichita on Christmas Eve and staying until the day after Christmas. I told Riley to write Santa a note that we will be in Wichita, and he needs to find him at Grandma and Grandpa's house. A couple of hours later, Riley sat down to write the note...
Dear Santa,
You mite not give us presents. Because we will go to Wichita.
I felt awful, he really thought Santa couldn't visit him, because he wouldn't be here. SAD!! I quickly explained to him, that we just need to remind Santa to find us in Wichita. SO, that is when he wrote...
Dear Santa,
Please come find us in Wichita.
I was surprised he never questioned, not getting a visit from Santa. I would've cried if I ever thought Santa wasn't coming to my house. That dilemma was solved. However, Riley asked Santa for a Wii. Uh, Oh! Slightly out of our price range. I tried to be clever and told Riley, I don't think Santa makes Wiis at his workshop. Even more clever, Riley, responded with, "I know, Santa buys them at the store." Dang!! So on Christmas morning, everyone should feel sorry for Riley. For, he is not going to get what he wants from Santa. I do believe, Santa will get second best for the boys and they will be happy.
Yesterday, I helped a friend throw a baby shower. Our good friend, is less than a month away from having twin boys. It was a good time, and I wish the best to Jen. She will be going from a family of 3, to a family of 5. It makes me stressed just by thinking of it. But, Jen is a calm soul. I know she will do a great job.
I have also been baking. I am baking Apple Bread for the neighbors. I took a loaf to my parents for Thanksgiving, and the few that ate it, raved about it. I hope they really did like it, because I am now giving it away. That would suck if they were lying to me, so they wouldn't hurt my feelings, and I was sharing some awful food with everyone.
Lastly, Jake is just working hard. He had to work a lot this month, due to his fellow managers all taking their vacations. This is getting him over 4 days off for Christmas, and that's nothing to complain about. He is 2 1/2 classes away from finishing his degree and he can't wait. In his spare time, (which is very rare) he enjoys having me beat him at "Guitar Hero." Neither one of us is really that good, but I'm a little better. =)
Well, it's been birthdays, parties, showers, shopping and working. Now that all of that is done, it's hopefully, smooth sailing from here. We can all enjoy the Holidays. We wish everyone a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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