Friday, January 30, 2009

1st Grade Musical

Thursday, was Riley's 1st grade musical. I think the title was "All About the 3."? It was short, sweet and to the point. To sum it up, they highlighted all storybook characters that were grouped in 3's. Three Little Pigs, Three Blind Mice, Three Billy Goats, etc. However, the 3rd Little Bear from Goldilocks tale, was missing. We got to hear lovely melodies until she was found. It was so cute!
My creative juices weren't flowing when I had to figure out a storybook character. Thanks to Riley's cousin, Aidan, I was able to make him a pirate. Aidan has a great "Jack Sparrow" costume. There are pirates in Peter Pan, so it all worked out well. He was a great pirate and he did a great job singing. 2 years ago he would barely move his mouth, if he was in front of a large crowd. Now, he is a wonderful participant, and we are very proud of him.

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