Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Yesterday, I got an awesome story sent to me from Riley's teacher, Mrs. Simmons. Last Friday, the class had "counselor time." The lesson for the day, was about being trustworthy. At the end of the lesson, the class raised their hand to say who they thought was the most "trustworthy" student in the class. She said, almost all of them said Riley! HOW COOL! A little tear came to my eye when I read that. I just think the world of Riley's teacher, and she is about to be a first time mom herself. She just said, she would've wanted to know this little story herself, if it was her child. I love Riley! He is the sweetest soul! I couldn't be more proud! Things like this, really make me feel like I did something, very right.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

How sweet!! You should be very proud of your trustworthy little boy!!