Sunday, August 30, 2009

Baby Zakk

Today, we got to go see our newest friend. Our wonderful neighbor just had a beautiful baby boy! Congratulations!
Welcome, baby Zakk!!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Riley the Mentor

This seriously just took place, in the back seat of our car, on our way home from school.

Riley: "Reece. I need to tell you a secret, about when you go to Kindergarten. When you are on a bus, and you come to a train track, the bus has to stop. Then you have to be quiet, or else the driver might not hear a train coming. Also, you have to sit with your back and head against the back of the seat, like this. But there isn't a seat belt."

And that's when their wondering minds took them on to a new subject... All this coming from a kid who has only ridden the bus on a couple field trips in his life.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Weekend Fun With Grandma and Grandpa

Grandma and Grandpa McMillan came to see us from Arizona this weekend!

Of course, it must begin with present time. New clothes and toys!

Showing off the new PJ's.
Saturday we went to Worlds of Fun!! This was the boys first time to go, and although they were timid at first, they had a blast! Here are a TON of pictures from the day (some out of order.)

This was the boys favorite.
The "Scrambler."
"Camp Snoopy"

Enjoying some very expensive ice cream!
A train ride to end the fun.
Movie night with the Grandparents.
On Sunday, we went to Deanna Rose Farmstead.
Lots of fish and animals to feed.

Oh yeah! The boys both caught their first fish. The fish were pretty smart, but I just had to throw some food by the bate, and they each caught one right away. Thankfully, Jake got the fish back in the water quickly.
After Deanna Rose, it was lunch and Monkey Bizness!!

Thanks Grandma and Grandpa for coming to see, AND SPOIL us!! Come back soon! We Love You!!!

The Verdict Is In

Thanks to a reminder from my mom, I would like to share with everyone that Riley is enjoying 2nd grade. It took a day and a half, for him to tell me he was happy school was back in. He hasn't looked back since. He likes his teacher, his friends and most importantly... P.E. and recess.
Yay for 2nd grade!!!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I've Finally been bitten... the "Twilight" phenomenon!
Life has been pretty uneventful. (If my lack of blogging didn't hint to that.)I'm actually pretty happy about this. I need a little calm for a while. I don't feel as though I'm being pulled in 20 different directions. So what did I do to keep busy. I read the first 2 "Twilight" books. In record time!! I'm not a reader, and if I do read, it takes months to finish anything. I'm hooked! I can not believe what I've been missing!
I'll be the first to admit, I was so skeptical. Everyone who ever read the books, told me I was missing out. I'm just, so glad I finally came around.
Funny story... I woke up Sunday morning and noticed the back of my neck was really sore. The muscles ached. It almost felt like I had whiplash. After being stuck in the vampire world, in my reading for days, I asked Jake if I had bite marks on my neck. He laughed. I'm a dork like that. Whatever makes us laugh. I think I figured it out. I'm reading so much, my head isn't used to looking down at a book so much. I think it strained my neck. It really doesn't feel good. Oh, well. Totally worth it!!
Well, I'm off to read the next 2 books. Hopefully, I have something more exciting to blog about next time. And, if you haven't read them, DO IT!!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Hello 2nd Grade...

...with Mrs. Crabbs.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Goodbye Summer...

This is it. Summer is no more. I'm probably the only Mom out there, not counting the minutes and seconds down, to chase their kids out the door, and out of their hair. I really dislike getting back into the real routine and swing of things.I DREAD it. My boys don't (usually) drive me nuts. Is something wrong with me? To make it worse, Riley isn't excited about school starting either. He claims he will miss Reece too much. Awww... He is so sweet! He says school lasts "hours and hours." And in those "hours" he won't be able to play with Reece all day. I'm sure in a matter of days, Riley will be over it, and be happy to be in 2nd grade.
Today, we just had fun. My camera didn't make the trip with us though. The boys wanted to go bowling. This is where I'm thankful the camera didn't come along. You see, Reece beat me!!! He beat Riley AND me. I didn't need any evidence of this, so no camera=good for me! What a lucky 4 year old. My defense, he is ALMOST 5, AND he had the bumpers on his side. Lastly, bowling has never been a strength of mine.
Next, it was a trip to the pool. I've NEVER seen the Gardner pool as busy as it was today. Everyone sneaking in 1 last swim before school starts, I suppose. Thankfully, the pool will still be open on weekends until Labor Day.
We just finished dinner and after a little bit, I'll treat my wonderful boys to an ice cream run. YUM!
This is it. The last day of Summer break.
Goodbye Summer...

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Happy 11th Birthday Brylee!

Happy Birthday to my awesome, niece Brylee!
We hope you have a fabulous day, and we all love you very much!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday Owen!

Could it be, that my baby nephew is already the BIG 1?!?!
Where does the time go?
Happy Birthday Owen!
We Love You!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009