Tuesday, August 4, 2009


The family and I got to head to the Johnson County Fair. It is in our backyard (Gardner, KS), and we've never attended. Not much was going on, because it was only Day 1, and most everything was still setting up. Jake and Reece were off trying to find some cotton candy, when Riley decided he wanted to go see the carnival, all by himself. This is the conversation we had.

Riley: I'm going to go all by myself to see if the carnival rides are working.

Me: Oh no! Not by yourself. There are too many people and someone might take you.

Riley: No one will take me.

Me: Yes they will! You are too cute, so someone will definitely want to take you.

Riley: What if I'm not cute?

He said this as he slouched over and made a miserable face. HA! Oh I wish I would've had a camera. Sorry Riley, even when you are not cute, you are cute!!

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