Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Goodbye Summer...

This is it. Summer is no more. I'm probably the only Mom out there, not counting the minutes and seconds down, to chase their kids out the door, and out of their hair. I really dislike getting back into the real routine and swing of things.I DREAD it. My boys don't (usually) drive me nuts. Is something wrong with me? To make it worse, Riley isn't excited about school starting either. He claims he will miss Reece too much. Awww... He is so sweet! He says school lasts "hours and hours." And in those "hours" he won't be able to play with Reece all day. I'm sure in a matter of days, Riley will be over it, and be happy to be in 2nd grade.
Today, we just had fun. My camera didn't make the trip with us though. The boys wanted to go bowling. This is where I'm thankful the camera didn't come along. You see, Reece beat me!!! He beat Riley AND me. I didn't need any evidence of this, so no camera=good for me! What a lucky 4 year old. My defense, he is ALMOST 5, AND he had the bumpers on his side. Lastly, bowling has never been a strength of mine.
Next, it was a trip to the pool. I've NEVER seen the Gardner pool as busy as it was today. Everyone sneaking in 1 last swim before school starts, I suppose. Thankfully, the pool will still be open on weekends until Labor Day.
We just finished dinner and after a little bit, I'll treat my wonderful boys to an ice cream run. YUM!
This is it. The last day of Summer break.
Goodbye Summer...

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