Friday, February 26, 2010

I survived!!

Today is a great day!! Last I blogged, I was in a slight funk. I just needed a few hours to shut down. Wednesday was a better day!!! I'm feeling so good about life. I miss Jake tremendously, but he comes home tonight!!! We get the weekend together. We are having pictures taken of the house on Sunday, and I think that means Monday is the official day our house goes on the market. 

Funny story...Every weekend, Riley has a journal to write in. He doesn't expand his thoughts much, and it's like pulling teeth to get him to write more than 2 sentences (he is expected to write 2 paragraphs.) He wrote, "My Dad moved away already. He will get to visit some days. I'm sad, but we will have fun when he comes back." I really hope Riley's teacher remembers the fact that Jake has been relocated, and doesn't think that our family is falling apart. Jake and I got a big laugh at this.

1 comment:

Leesa said...

Yay! I'm glad you made it through your first week and now you get the weekend with Jake! :)