Sunday, February 14, 2010

My Valentine's Locket

Reece made me a locket in preschool, for Valentines Day.
The front.
The inside.
The back.
For Valentine's I got a perfect box of chocolates. It was a heart, filled with Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. It took Jake a couple of years to learn, that I dislike the popular boxes of chocolate. The problem is that I'm so picky, and really dislike 95% of the chocolates in them. I'll find the caramel ones and throw out the rest. For years he just didn't get me any, which was fine with me. This year I got the Reese's. Yum!! Peanut butter + chocolate = heaven!!!
I got the boys some Super Mario Brothers pajamas, and some lego cars. The pajamas were a huge hit with Reece, and Riley was a big fan of the legos. Overall, we had a great Valentine's!!


Leesa said...

Sounds like you had a great Valentine's day! Yay for Reese's PB cups! I'm picky like you - I don't like the typical "box of chocolates."

Jenny Meirowsky said...

How cute! I can't wait for Parker to make me little things like that. How fun!