But don't expect too much from me in these coming weeks. And in case you have forgotten what my boys look like, here are some pictures from their Valentine's parties. Please excuse their long, shaggy hair. We've been neglecting them for the house.
Around the house we've done a ton of staging, paint touch ups, painted our kitchen countertops (which look really nice), and most importantly, I've packed away a lot of extra stuff that I think I can live with out for a bit. If I didn't pack it, it has been donated. How in the world do you buy a house, and your stuff just triples?! It's insane. I've been working so hard, that I don't want to move anymore. It's hard!!! You live in a house, that you feel is great, but when it comes to selling a house, you find so many things that need fixed up a bit. I'm not a perfectionist, but this house a created one, and I hate it. I feel sorry for people who are like this in every aspect of their lives. What an awful way to live. Hopefully, I didn't just offend a reader...
Riley was bothered for a while about moving. He didn't want to leave his friends. He was even dreaming about moving. Poor guy, he's such a worrier! Hope I can be there for him enough, to make this transition easier on him. He told me that, "I am scared to leave my friends...to make new friends...and to move to another country." Ha ha!! Thankfully, we will not be leaving America. Kids are so funny. Reece has informed me that, "moving is fun!" Since he is the expert. =)
To add to all of the other changes, I got a new job. It's very part time. I am working for a local Orthodontist. I am front desk, and will be working on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. I'm so excited about this job. It will be a very healthy environment, and I know it will be flexible for me, with Jake being gone most of the time. I haven't totally figured out my details with Reece needing a sitter yet, but I hope it comes together. (Anyone local, that knows of anyone that can handle a very well behaved 5 year old...let me know!!)
Awww - That is just too cute that Riley sent a valentine to a girl! How sweet!
I feel your pain with moving! We are going through the same thing. Are you guys moving to Salina or Wichita? We close on our house in 2 weeks only to move in with my mom while we build. (Big Sigh!) Oh the adventure that is coming our way.
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