Friday, April 22, 2011


Tonight at dinner, Reece asked Riley why he chose to not go over to our neighbor's to play for a bit this afternoon.

Riley had chosen to help Dad on the partial fence we were replacing. I made a comment, that "Riley was learning how to be a MAN!" Jake and I kept talking about how important it was to learn "manly" things.....

....."Like a cartwheel?" said Reece.

Oh dear..... it seems we have a lot of work to do, to turn our Reece into a "man."



jody-of-all-trades said...

This is too funny! Thanks for the laugh. I really like the new name on your blog and your quotes. Good call! Love you.

Leesa said...

Reece is so cute! I love how kids just say what is really on their minds!

Tommi said...

Hee Hee! There's always Olympics!