Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Reece had his Kindergarten musical today!
It was all about farm animals, and the name of the show was, E-I-E-I-Oops!
I didn't truly understand where the "oops" came from, but it was adorable, nonetheless!
Here is Reece before he took stage.
My zoom is terrible, but Reece is right in front of the red "Barnyard" box.
Mrs. Olander and Reece, post show!
Finally, a close up of our little piggy!

1 comment:

Leesa said...

Looks like a very cute show! I wish Taylor's school had a stage. I couldn't see her during her performace because she was in front on the floor... They should put the little kids in back on the risers!! Tall kids don't need to be on the risers, right??