Saturday, April 7, 2012

Riley's Room

Well, Riley's room is officially furnished.... the walls need filled up a bit, but that will be my summer project.
Jake made this headboard....
Jake made this TV stand for our last MONSTER TV we own.... I will be happy when this dies, but it works well. Reece and Riley have movie night in here a lot. That's all they can watch on this giant. (And that's the chair I hope to reupholster!)
And Jake made this awesome shelf. It is JUST like the shelf I found on Pinterest, just bigger.
This shelf did cause a headache! Looked perfect in the garage while building and when completed.... moved it into the room and of course the crooked floors and walls made it look terrible! I wanted it to go against the wall that juts out (by the TV), but that is where the floor is at it's worst. It just looked terrible. So we had to rearrange the room. The room just isn't made for a queen size bed, and the corner that we lose in this room makes things so awkward, but this was our best solution! I can't wait to get things on the walls. It's looking FUN! Pictures just don't do it justice!

1 comment:

Erica said...

It looks AWESOME!!!!! I want a room like that in our house!!