Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Reece had his 1st grade music program last night, with the Roosevelt Elementary Kindergarten.
It was called "SQUIRM" with all songs about insects/animals that probably make most, like me, squeamish. He did a great job, but it's funny how embarrassed he was each time he made eye contact with us. Also, I dressed Reece up a little, and this was the first time he whined about what he was wearing. He thought he looked silly.... mommy thought the opposite!
Sorry about the picture quality.... so far I have LOVED my camera on my phone, but the theater lighting or my flash didn't fare so well, so I was a bit sad.
I just love his face in this picture.
Someone know's their actions!!

The "bored" 1st graders waiting for their turn to sing again...
When I got to go get Reece off the stage, he told me, " I wasn't even embarrassed at my clothes!" He didn't really say embarrassed, I just can't remember how he pronounced it, but it was adorable!
Reece with his music teacher, Mrs. Schrader.
Reece and Mrs. Olander.... don't ask about his robot eyes. Not sure what happened and not sure how to fix it! Creepy!!!!
Here Reece gave his silliest face.... then I got a more serious smile.

And here is Reece's ice cream treat after his program. Before the program he told me everyone was going to get ice cream as a job well done treat.... well if everyone else is doing it!!!