Wednesday, May 9, 2012


I think Reece has his first official crush. And it's one of those unrealistic, Hollywood crushes. I kid you not, but I think he is crushing on Shirley Temple.
Lately, there have been a lot of Shirley Temple commercials on tv, and every time it's on, Reece is glued to it! He might have even blushed a little when I pointed out how cute she was. A couple weeks ago, I overheard him singing one of her songs. He makes me smile....
Talking on the phone is a new concept to Reece. Last week a friend called after school to invite him over to play.... Well, Reece put his friend on hold to tell me, "I forgot how to talk on the phone."
It was too funny, and needless to say, it took 2 phone calls to get the play date arranged. Mommy needed more info, and Reece learned he needs to ask mommy before it's all said and done. My baby is growing up!

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